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Come Join Us...
Member Meetings
All Members
6:00PM at the ETA Training Center
4566 Waterhouse Rd.
Clay NY 13041

Tuesday - June 4, 2019
Election Day for New Officers & Board Members

Tuesday - July 2, 2019
Swear-in Newly Elected Officers & Board Members
Retiree's Club    
Pat Costello will be joining us for the May 15th meeting and lunch at the Celtic Harp in Utica at 11:30 am. With a tour of the Brewery to follow at 1pm. This will be a fun event. Spouses and significant others are welcome to attend. Hope to see you there. Call or text Paul Lanieu at

Our Retiree's Meetings are a great way to stay in touch! All retirees, wives and widows are welcome. Please join us!

2019 Dues payments are $115.50 per quarter
UNION NEWS     Local 43 on the move...
Listed below are some jobs our members have recently worked on:
Due to our organizing efforts, some of Local 43's Successes in the construction field
True North Daycare  $3,700,000    Alan Byer Volvo, Syracuse $3,600,000 
O'Reilly Auto Parts, Oswego $800,000    Fairmount Apartments & Retail space $9,000,000 
Moffett Ctr. Cortland College $17,000,000    Utica Zoo $3,100,000 
Plant Fitness, Utica NY $2,500,000   Dollar General $2,900,000 

 Please patronize these businesses in support of Local 43 and Union labor
Tops Grocery Stores Maple Leaf Markets
Wegmans Grocery Stores    Bank of Utica
Harbor Freight Tools, Cortland   Adirondack Bank  
Aldi's on RT 31 in Cicero   Athletic Apex - Health Club Destiny Mall
LOCAL 43 News

You can update your contact information anytime via the new Referral portal, go to and make sure all your contact information is correct. Or email any changed information to

Syracuse METS Baseball Tickets

Click here to get a complete listing of Syracuse Met's 2019 games.

Through donations made by members who contribute to the Brotherhood Fund, we have once again purchased tickets to the Mets home games in Syracuse.

Call or stop by the union office to pick up your vouchers for tickets to any home game. Maximum 4 vouchers per member.

New options for paying dues... local 43 on the move...
    •You still can mail a personal check or money order, then we will mail your yellow Dues Receipt to your home address.
    •You still can have your bank auto-pay from your account with a bank check, then we'll mail the Receipt to your home.
    •You can always visit us in-person at the union office and pay with cash or a check, or now...
    •Pay with a credit card. Note: an Electronic Convenience Fee (ECF of approximately 3%) is added to all credit/debit card dues transactions.
    You can now pay your dues On-line from the convenience of your PC or late model smartphone via the Referral Portal. On-line payments will incur an ECF.

information frOm the funds office

NEWS from the CNYETA

OPIOID PREVENTION TRAINING will be held on Thursday, May 23, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at the ETA Training Center (see banner above)

Business Manager, Al Marzullo, has set up this very important and informative seminar with representatives from Crouse Health, ACR and the Prevention Network. If you would like to attend, please call the union office at 315-422-0435 to RSVP before Friday, 5/17/19. All members and their families are encouraged to attend.

CPR & FIRST AID TRAINING – Call the ETA Training Center at 315-546-0221 to enroll now...

CPR -- Tuesday, May 7, 2019 from 5:00 to 8:30pm

First Aid -- Tuesday, May 14, 2019 from 5:00 to 8:30pm


Free, Confidential Counseling Services provided by Mental Health Professionals are available either in-person or over the phone. We encourage you and your eligible family members to take advantage of this benefit whenever you feel that life is getting too stressful.

Call 1.800.327.2255

Our Membership ID is: 93793410

Our Group ID is: 8413

Reminder to all Journeymen:

In our current contract - Section 2.19 Tool List - it states In addition, "Journeymen shall be responsible to have verifiable OSHA-10 training and CPR Certified Training." Please call the CNYETA (315-546-0221) to see when the next scheduled classes are available. 

NOTE: OSHA-10 and CPR training are needed to work in Local 43's jurisdiction as a Journeyman.



Union Office 315-422-0435 - Al Marzullo, Business Manager - Kevin Crawford, President - Job Referral - Dues - Membership Development

Funds Office 315-474-5729 - Sheila Fitzmaurice, Fund Administrator - Pension - Health Insurance - Benefits

ETA Training Center 315-546-0221 - Jon Leubner, Training Director - Apprentice Program - Training and Safety Classes